Sifir Fiduciaria
Sifir Gestioni Trust
Sifir Tax&Legal
A fiduciary company is an entity institutionally authorised (by Italian government) to administer third-party assets. A trust company is an entity that provides trust services.
Fiduciary ServicesIn the case of administration and manage of third-party assets with “intestazione fiduciaeia” the assets are formally registered in the name of the fiduciary company (SIFIR) while the ownership of the same remains with the client.
In such case there is a dissociation of the formal ownership (in the hands of the società fiduciaria) from the real or substantial ownership of the assets (in the hands of the client) is implemented.
Each società fiduciaria must be licensed by a special authorisation issued by the Ministry of Economic Development - which also performs the task of supervising its activity - and with the favourable opinion of the Ministry of Justice.
For more than 40 years, SIFIR has been operating in the fiduciary sector, offering clients a wide range of specialised services, ranging from intestazione fiduciaria to estate, tax and inheritance planning.
For 40 years, SIFIR has been involved in the intestacy and administration of private individuals' assets on its name but in behalf of its clients.
Wealth planning and management consultancy service
Escrow Agent Activities